Jennifer Tee

Jennifer Tee draws inspiration from the spiritual dimensions found in the works of artists like Af Klint and Kandinsky, as well as in Taoist philosophy. She draws from these sources both visually and intellectually, translating them into geometric compositions, performances, and sculptures. Tee is able to transform these influences into contemporary explorations of form, bringing together various elements from her sources of inspiration. In doing so, she demonstrates that Western spirituality exists within a broader tradition of various religions, rituals, and spiritual ways of life that have been practised long before the time of af Klint.

Her work Primordial Chaos~Selfhood Meltdown is inspired by the series of drawings Primordial Chaos by af Klint, in which af Klint tried to capture the birth of the physical world. The shape of the balancing sculpture by Tee refers to the blue-yellow lines from af Klint’s drawings, which are reminiscent of strands of DNA. The ceramic sculptures at the ends have a similar twisting shape.

Furthermore, Tee presents two series of ceramic sculptures on the wall: Tao Magic and Inner Parallel. Through these works, Tee explores the gap between perception and reality. She has divided the spheres into different planes, partly matte and partly glossy glazed, causing the shapes to change from various perspectives. Tee again references a series of af Klint’s drawings with these works, titled The Current Standpoint of the Mahatmas. For af Klint, this series was a comparative study of different world religions, aligning with Tee’s practice in which various philosophies and traditions converge.

Cycle, Portal, Path

This fall, Nest presents Cycle, Portal, Path: an exhibition that examines how the traces left by the Swedish artist Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) affect contemporary art 100 years later. Af Klint lived in a time full of developments and scientific turmoil. Scientists studied nature and dealt with phenomena such as atomic fission and X-rays; discoveries that shaped the world and made the invisible visible.

Cycle, Portal, Path shows that Af Klint’s exploration of the relationship between science, nature and spiritual life is as urgent now as it was in her time. The artists in the exhibition relate directly or indirectly to Af Klint and her views and supplement them with contemporary or futuristic ideas. Through meditative drawings and video installations, abstract paintings and AI-generated images, the artists reflect on new technologies, spiritual movements, ecology and the connection between then, now and future generations.

Cycle, Portal, Path was created in conversation with Kunstmuseum Den Haag and KM21, where the exhibitions Hilma af Klint and Piet Mondriaan: Forms of Life and Tai Shani – Our Hieromantic Objects of Love will be on view simultaneously. A diverse context program has been developed for the three exhibitions. Keep an eye on our website for updates.

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