Meet the team behind Nest here.
Meet the team behind Nest here.
Team Nest
- Artistic directorHeske ten Cate
- Business directorSamira Ben MessaoudHanneke Beynen (a.i.)
- CuratorEva Burgering
- Head of productionJulia Schmitz
- ProgrammeOrpheu de Jong
- Marketing and communicationZoë Hollander
- EducationOdine Burghouwt
- AdministrationAna Francisca Costa
- Head of technical teamTobias Lengkeek
- Technical teamJosef BraumannMaarten KeusJuliette HengstAdele Dipasquale
- InternsKatarina Kotianova
- HostsAsia AndreolliLakisha ApostelBo DeurlooJustin ErramiFatemeh HeydariCarlo HoekerdEsther HoversPuck Nooteboom
- BoardSusan Gloudemans (voorzitter)Barend SantenRenée JongejanEleonoor Jap SamMartijn Diepenhorst