7 year old me
–- Melchior Jaspers
- Julia Mullié
The sensitivity towards language, humour and the banality of the everyday are central topics in the exhibition 7 year old me. Nest shows Wim T. Schippers and Daniël van Straalen in a unique collaboration. In a playful, but serious manner, they attach value to seemingly worthless things. By disrupting existing, albeit invisible codes, the artists throw you back onto your own intuition, in which the anti-climax triumphs.
In the run-up to the exhibition, Schippers and Van Straalen are frequently in contact. They have written, challenged each other and together they have broken their heads about all kinds of questions. 7 year old me shows new and familiar work by both artists.
Let op: Voor deze tentoonstelling heeft Nest haar openingstijden in de kerstvakantie verruimd.
ma 23 dec 2019 t/m zo 5 jan 2020 iedere dag geopend
m.u.v 25, 26 dec en 1 jan
za tot wo 13.00 – 18.00 uur
do en vr 13.00 – 20.00 uur