Abstract Myths

  • Kasper Akhøj
  • Martijn Hendriks
  • Rob Johannesma
  • Anna Ostoya
  • Maarten Overdijk
  • Dieuwke Spaanse
  • Roy Villevoye
  • Hans den Hartog Jager

Hans den Hartog Jager (1968) is an art critic and writer. Last year he curated the exhibition Meer Licht (More Light) at De Fundatie in Zwolle, which attracted more than 20,000 visitors. He also published the book Het Sublieme (The Sublime). Nest recognized in the style and practice of Hans den Hartog Jager the need to make art accessible to a large audience and to pull art away from an environment of jargon and professional elite. That is why Nest asked Hans to put together an exhibition.

Hans den Hartog Jager seized this opportunity to look at the role of modernism in contemporary visual art: on the one hand as an important driver for new developments, on the other hand, modernism also seems to have ensured an emphatic separation between art and society. In Abract Myths he brings together artists who try to combine the legacy of modernism with their own critical, socially oriented view of the world.

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