Christie van der Haak

A collaboration between Atelier Rijksbouwmeester and Nest in the Palace of Justice

External location

Note: this exhibition does not take place at Nest, but at the Palace of Justice in The Hague.

  • Daphne Verberg

People are rarely enjoy spending time in the waiting area of the Palace of Justice. A case hearing or verdict can mark a turning point in someone's life. In an attempt to make the waiting area a more pleasant place, artist Christie van der Haak has developed new patterns. Executed as wallpaper and wall tapestries, they add warmth to the space.

The current environment of concrete walls, wooden panelling and beige carpet takes on a different character with the addition of the artworks. The textile tapestries add softness and the patterns around the pillars break the rigid look of the waiting room. The work shows what motifs, colours and lines do to a space. Christie's aim is to use the patterns to create a universally appealing work of art. The artwork lifts the space and she hopes it will take people out of their daily troubles.

Christie van der Haak in the second in a series of eight artists with a solo presentation at the Palace of Justice, and is curated by Daphne Verberg. The exhibitions are the result of a collaboration between Atelier Rijksbouwmeester and Nest. You can read more about this project here.