Fang Wu Ti
- Woody van Amen
Fang Wu Ti shows work by Woody van Amen (1936, Eindhoven) from different periods. Van Amen is 82 years old and since 1959 a leading proponent of pop art in the Netherlands.
The exhibition was created on the occasion of the “Netwerkbijeenkomst Gevorderd Kunstenaarschap” of the Mondriaan Fund. On Tuesday 27 March, the Mondriaan Fund organised a network meeting for proven talent at Nest. The occasion was the presentation of the essay “Oude meesters – De actualiteit van het gevorderde kunstenaarschap” (Old Masters – The topicality of advanced artistry), which Leo Delfgaauw wrote for the fund.
Until 13 May the series Time Capsules by Woody van Amen can be seen in Museum Beelden aan Zee.