Out and About – Das Leben am Haverkamp
–- Christa van der Meer
- Gino Anthonisse
- Dewi Bekker
- Anouk van Klaveren
What have you been up to in the past year?
“Das Leben am Haverkamp moved to a spectacular new studio space, a former gallery space at Stille Veerkade 19 in The Hague. We transformed the space into a textile, wood, metal and casting workshop and project space. The project space allows us to host exhibitions, screenings, dinners and bingos. Ever since, we regularly invite like-minded artists or human beings who we envy for being so incredibly talented. The guest star joins our collective for a while – imagining and executing any dream that fits the dimensions of this square room.
Last summer we invited Anouk Beckers to elaborate on her project JOIN collective clothes, Gino presented his newly made ceramic work and soon Wessel Verrijt will take over with his fantastical moving sculptures.”
What are you presenting today?
“This exhibition is a gathering of some individual works by the members of Das Leben am Haverkamp – the plastic chair as a stage for a current development in their artistic life.
Christa what do you present in your chair, it looks intriguing!
C: ‘It’s a body, constructed by many, many knots. He sprouted from a macrame workshop a while back’
Gino what can you tell about your plastic chair? You even brought two chairs!
G: ‘Two suits which escaped from the office to chill in this garden, they no longer need the bodies.’
Wow Dewi, what is it we see here?
D: ‘It is a work made from vacuum formed PET and latex that has been worn on the naked body of a performer. It is left behind as a residue of an alter ego.’
A: ‘There is not so much sitting in my chair. Nevertheless, I took the time to decorate it, as I started to appreciate tactile decoration more and more.’”