Every Friday during the Corona lockdown, Nest presented an artist from The Hague on the lawn of the De Constant Rebecqueplein.
Despite the fact that presentation spaces had to close during the lockdowns, artists kept on creating and producing new work in their studios. In order to still give these artists a platform, Nest invited them to present their work outside, as long as the lockdowns lasted. Neighbours and passersby were invited to look at the presented artworks.
- Eugenie Boon
- Iliada Charalambous
- Das Leben am Haverkamp
- Bob Demper
- Thijs Jaeger
- Tobias Lengkeek
- Daisy Madden-Wells
- Willem Marijs
- Leslie Nagel
- Navid Nuur
Nest enjoyes to open up the door and explore places outside the walls of the exhibition space together with artists.
Nest enjoyes to open up the door and explore places outside the walls of the exhibition space together with artists.
In addition to the exhibitions and programmes in the space at the De Constant Rebecqueplein, Nest can also be found at other locations. Like on the grass of festival grounds, in local newspapers or on art fairs. Some of these projects are one-off, others are recurring. You can find these projects here.