Stadstekenaar: Koninklijke Schouwburg

Drawing Stadstekenaar Den Haag 

The city artist (2023-2025) Babette Wagenvoort draws assemblies in places in The Hague, every month we publish one. This time: The state of civic participation in the Koninklijke Schouwburg.

Upstairs in the Koninklijke Schouwburg in two classic halls - with chandeliers and paintings of famous actors - various groups of citizens and administrators gathered in late 2023. Inspired by the play 'Laagland' and invited by The National Theatre, they talked about citizen participation: participation evenings, citizens' initiatives and referendums - how (well) is cooperation between citizens and politicians in the city?
The talks were attended by artists (including the city artist) and actors, who used their observations to create another performance 'Gaafland'.