We all disagree from time to time, but can we put our own beliefs aside for the greater good? In 2020 and 2022 Nest and Zaal 3 organized ‘I Beg to Differ’, a new monthly debate program in The Hague in which thinkers, creators and dreamers discussed current issues.
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month I Beg to Differ dived into a hot topic, a new trend or just that what is present subcutaneously in the city. Together with inspirational creators and thinkers, we investigated, amongst others, Het Malieveld and the state of protest there, the consequences of the lack of nightlife due to Covid19, or the richness and problems that the many languages spoken in The Hague bring. The guests each contributed in the form of a column, lecture or performance.
Nest enjoyes to open up the door and explore places outside the walls of the exhibition space together with artists.
Nest enjoyes to open up the door and explore places outside the walls of the exhibition space together with artists.
In addition to the exhibitions and programmes in the space at the De Constant Rebecqueplein, Nest can also be found at other locations. Like on the grass of festival grounds, in local newspapers or on art fairs. Some of these projects are one-off, others are recurring. You can find these projects here.